Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Hi everyone,

My name is Mr. Jeremy Bunker, and I want to welcome you to Mr. Bunker's EduTech Blogspot!  This is a place to learn a little bit about the safe and effective use of technology in the classroom for the purpose of learning and teaching.  My aim is to provide you with quality information that will hopefully inspire you to reach beyond your comfort zone for the sake of preparing your learners for the future, as well as give you simple options to engage your learners in a dynamic and relevant way!

A little about myself, first, I am a husband of nearly seven years to Mrs. Julie Bunker.  Around the same time we married, I also began my teaching career.  I taught fifth grade for four years at Pioneer School of the Arts and math at Sawtooth Middle School for two years before moving to Central Asia.  In Central Asia, I taught math at the elementary and secondary levels, worked on math intervention, and did language tutoring with a Korean student new to English education .  For the next few school years, I will be teaching at an international school in Indonesia.  The first year there, I will teach fifth grade, and after that....only time can tell!

As an educator, my heart has always been to be a difference-maker.  My wife and I decided that God had called us to what may seem a unique lifestyle choice to some people, but our hearts were set - we would join His Kingdom work going on throughout the world.  After some research, we joined Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) to engage in God's Kingdom work as support personal to missionary workers in isolated regions of the world.

I do not know where this road will lead, but I am driven to obedience by the call to believers in Matthew 28, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,...."  This is a completable task and I know my role.  As someone called to education and called to action by God's grace, I can see no better role for me than as a missionary educator.

That being said, I recognize one of the learning and teaching difficulties of teaching in developing and second world countries is the lack of technology or awareness of technologies.  In many ways technology options are lacking in these educational arenas, but it is highly important that my students and I remain as forward tracking as possible in our technology skills and aptitudes.  It is my hope that this blog will benefit those who may also have similar restrictions.  May this blog bless you and may God keep you.

In Christ,

Mr. Jeremy Bunker

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